
‘Blood and Custard’
Reader Support Page


Blood and Custard is a free-to-use website and needs the support of its readers!

With the increasing amount of information needing to be placed upon the website (accompanied with my having entered retirement) donations are sought from supportive users in order to help maintain its upkeep and protect its future for the benefit of all.

BloodandCustard is extremely grateful to the few who have donated and continue to donate towards its upkeep.

Without this help the website would have been facing closure through lack of support /interest.

My apologies but due to considerable accessibility and discriminatory problems I no longer use Paypal (my account is permanently closed).

However, following a number of requests donations can be made by BACS transfer into an account dedicated to supporting the B&C suite of webpages. Please contact BloodandCustard for payment details (forgive my cautious approach to avoid online fraud).

Contacting B&C is currently via (munged address)

info arobase BloodandCustard full stop November Echo Tango

Apologies but any e-mails seeking or trying to make donations by Paypal will now simply be deleted with no further action taken. E-mails from Paypal are automatically deleted.


BloodandCustard already benefits from our excellent and supportive ISP www.cali.co.uk (based on the Black Isle, Scotland).

Kind regards,




